Monday, March 23, 2009

not me! monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I was not extremely pleased with myself just now as the not me! icon worked for me!

We did not attempt to give Micah a haircut this weekend.... which was a good thing cuz his gramma said he was starting to look like a girl...We was so interested in the clippers-(he loves electronics) that we did not have to entertain him with the clippers while I cut his hair with the scissors!!! But isn't he handsome???

While shopping on Sunday, Micah had an extremely runny nose, and because I'm a descendant of my mother, had a bulging pocket full of kleenex, actually no I didn't. Because I was in dire need of a kleenex, and because I'm a mother, you get creative! To my daughter's unbelief, I did not pull out my pink chenille glove, and take care of the gushing green goo! I did not have to do that about 7 more times, so my glove has polka dots!!

I did not have some fun with telemarketers this week! Usually I don't answer, but this week, something prompted me to be annoying.... On the first call "Can I speak to Rebecca Swanson please?" I decided to imitate the annoying teenager, and said very sarcastically, "No thanks," and then hung up. Saturday, the phone rang... Chris said "Who's unknown name, unknown number?" I said, "Telemarketer, I'll take it." I took the phone and whispered, Hello? Then I got louder, and someone started talking, but I don't know what they were saying because I kept saying Hello over and over and louder and louder in an old-lady-chain-smoker-slightly-senile voice! Chris was laughing at me, so I had to pause every now and then so as not to let them hear me laughing! I am please to announce they hung up on me!!!

I just had to edit this blog as Ashleigh, age 7, answered a telemarketer's call.... I did not realize it was a telemarketer, or I would have made her give me the phone to play the prank.... But in a high-pitched, sing-songy voice she said to someone from AT&T, "HI, my name is Penelope, and we sell pizzas!" She then hung up--I guess I need to teach her to try & stay on the phone without laughing until they hang up!!

I also did not convince my 4 year old that she needed to spend some of her birthday money. I must add, to buy a DVD that I wanted! (It's McHale's Navy Season Two, and actually our whole family loves it, but it was my idea) After Natalie realized she didn't want to spend that much money, I did not put a bug in her ear that maybe Callie would like to spend some of her birthday money too and they could buy it together! Natalie then decided that she wanted to buy McHale's Navy Season Two for me for my birthday NEXT YEAR!! So I did, once again, NOT convince her to give it to me as a belated present THIS YEAR!!!!!! OHHHHH YES, my kids DO love me!!!!!!!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

One Year Ago

On this day, one year ago, we brought our baby boy home from the hospital! When Micah was born, he had some breathing issues, so after being transferred to St. Mary's, and 6 days in the NICU there, we were able to bring our little 6# 4oz bundle home.

We were so excited to come home! Not to mention the girls! The signs they made say "Welcome home Daddy, Happy Birthday Mommy, and Love You Micah" I missed them so much, as we were staying overnight at the hospital once Micah was able to start nursing. I remember waking up at 3am, walking down the hall to feed him. I always wore my slippers and long sweater so I could wrap Micah up in it. He had lots of wires attached, so it was kinda difficult to snuggle without setting off alarms!

March 14, 2008

March 14, 2009

My baby went from being so small to learning "so big!" Micah has been such a blessing to our family. He still is up multiple times at night to eat, and screams when I leave his sight. He says "Dadda" more than he says "Mama" but when he is not happy or hungry, only mom will do! But when he is tired, he loves to nap with his daddy.

Micah is an adorable, funny, mischevious, precious little chub of a boy. I am just imagining the amout of food I will need to keep in the fridge when he is in high school!

I'm adding a few pictures from his birthday-- the rocking horse was his gift from Daddy and Mama.

He was such a ham today when he was in his high chair!

Monday, March 9, 2009

not me! monday

1. First of all, I am not stressing that I can't remember how to get the not me! icon. So I decided just not to use it.

2. I did not turn 30 (yes 30) on Saturday.
3. My husband did not throw me a surprise party on friday night
4. I did not make three (yes 3) 3-D birthday cakes for my children for the family 4-birthday party on saturday (Natalie, Callie, Micah, and I)
5. I am not slightly annoyed by all the blog catch-up I need to do..... Erin wants pics of the cakes, I have to post about my baby boy turning one!!, and I just got done with one!
6. I was not tickled pick when Natalie said I'm 29 and that next year I would be 27!!
7. I was not so excited when my family and friends brought me presents! Real presents! Chris had told them to bring a white elephant type gift if they brought anything, but I got nice stuff!!
8. I was not extremely excited when at my party, I noticed 2 (yes 2!) 5-quart buckets of ice cream (one Cookies-n-Cream!) that my dad had bought, knowing that there would be a lot left over, and that it would be staying at my house! Not to mention the ice cream I had already bought for the family birthday party..... I love Ice Cream if you can't tell.....

Nicole's Too Much to Think About

This blog article is kinda in response to Nicole a couple days ago. I started leaving her a comment, and it just got too long. But I know how you are feeling--OVERLOADING of the brain! This time of year always gets me easily annoyed, and I'm always with my kids, my husband started a company and bought another, so $$ has been tight! I'm stressed because I cannot do one thing to help bring an income. SAHM with 4 kids.... I think I am finally learning that God will provide. I love to shop, so that has been tough on me, only buying necessities, and thanking God that the laundry soap and diapers were on sale!

Sometimes it is hard to share your situation with people, especially in your own age group. They all have their families, jobs, etc. to worry about. I had a friend (Kim) from church call me last week (she's about my mom's age, and her boys are all in college) and she asked me if I was OK and wanted to "talk." She said I seemed blue at church when she saw me. So Kim came over the next day and we had a really nice time. She seemed genuinely caring and committed to praying for me. And just now, she called and took Ashleigh and Callie down by the lake to take a walk with her dog!

My point is it's good to have someone on unload to. Someone who is not a family member, someone who is older than you and can mentor you with Godly life-experience wisdom. Nicole, you said you were in a Bible Study.... I would encourage you to look for someone there. Someone you feel comfortable with-- look for the gray hair!! Perhaps you know a woman whose children are in college, or whose grandkids live far away.... I have a feeling she would love to spend time with your children to give you a break. You just may be a blessing and an answer to prayer of a woman who is struggling with an UNDERLOADING of the brain. :-)